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"Will You Be My Neighbour?": Creating a welcoming community for migrant workers on the South Shore

This event will be streamed on YouTube Live:
Facebook Live:

Did you know that in Lunenburg County, Mexican migrant workers play an important role in planting and cultivating Christmas trees that are exported throughout the province, country and globally? Did you know that some of our migrant worker neighbours have been coming to Lunenburg County for over 10 years?

For migrant workers who face language barriers and are away from their home communities and families for long periods of time, it can be tough. Moreover, the pandemic has taken a toll on many of us, including our migrant worker neighbours. How can we build bridges with migrant workers, despite the language barriers? How have migrant workers experienced hospitality here on the South Shore? What actions can we collectively take to build a more welcoming community for migrant workers, which can be enriching for all?

Join us for a conversation with two guest speakers who will share their experiences around these questions and more:

  • Felix, a Mexican migrant worker who’s been coming to work in Canada for seven years, four of those as part of the Lunenburg County community.

  • Sam, ten years a church pastor in rural Lunenburg County, the last five of those as a friend to migrant workers.

This has been a year full of uncertainty and loss, and it has highlighted the positive effects of community outreach as well as the need to support our neighbours.

This event is hosted by NOII-Halifax’s Migrant Workers Program with support from KAIROS Canada and the Government of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

For more information, contact

September 12

Official Launch of Community-Art Project